The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade raises funds and awareness for breast cancer research and to advance access to care, with a focus on the medically underserved. From its launch in 1992, Avon's Global Breast Cancer Crusade has expanded to more than 55 countries and by the end of 2009 had raised and awarded more than $640 million. Grants are made in five areas: breast cancer education and awareness, screening and diagnosis, access to treatment, support services and scientific research. The largest source of funds for the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade is the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
The Avon Walks are non-competitive weekend fundraising walks for all fitness levels. Since the launch of the series in 2003, more than $320 million has been raised through the dedication of over 120,000 participating women and men. The Walks take place in 9 cities, covering 39 miles in two days, and raise awareness and funds to fight breast cancer.
Progress has been made but there is still a new diagnosis of breast cancer in the U.S. every 3 minutes. The Avon Foundation for Women supports research to accelerate knowledge about the causes, diagnosis, treatments, and ways to prevent breast cancer. It works to facilitate research collaborations and to identify and fund new research directions. The Foundation also supports efforts to ensure the best quality of care for all, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
The mission of alpha Kappa Delta Phi's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign is three-fold: To raise funds on a national level to contribute to a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating breast cancer To dedicate at least one Service Event per chapter/colony to Breast Cancer Awareness in October To develop a comprehensive page on our national website that provides links to breast cancer resources In 1998, alpha Kappa Delta Phi launched its first-ever National Service project. Through our 22 chapter effort, we dedicated the year of 1998-99 to Breast Cancer Awareness by educating ourselves, our college campuses, and our communities. Through the efforts of our active sisters and alumnae, we have raised over $250,000 throughout the years for breast cancer research. In addition to raising funds, awareness is spread on all our campus communities through service projects, workshops, informational booths, or forums.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi is a proud exclusive partner of Avon Breast Cancer Crusade.
UTA aKDPhi is very proud to be able to have the opportunity to collaborate with Subtle Lashes for a charity fundraiser in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The weekend of October 23-25th, when you use the promo code "UTAAKDPhi" at checkout you can receive 15% off your order and 15% of your total order will go towards breast cancer research. Breast cancer is a disease that affects 1 in 8 women in the US and is the most common type of cancer found in women. With your help, we can work towards finding a cure and better treatment for all those affected by it. Buy a pair to save a pair!"
This year in the midst of COVID UTA and UTD alpha Kappa Delta Phi has decided to host our very first So You Pink You Got Talent coming this October 30th! This event will be a charity stream including talented individuals who volunteered to showcase their skills for a good cause. Our stream will include educational events about breast cancer, entertaining performances, and a raffle including huge prizes thanks to our amazing sponsors. Subtle Lashes was wonderful enough to sponsor our stream by donating gift packages for our upcoming raffle totaling up to a whopping retail value of $339. All of our proceeds from the stream and the raffle will be donated towards breast cancer awareness. Follow @arlingtonakdphi for more information about this event and a huge thank you to @subtlelashes for this amazing opportunity!"